Download Dean Pickard's Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. in Philosophy, Claremont Graduate University, April, 1992, Awarded Fellowship, 1988-89
M.A. in Philosophy, C. S. U., Long Beach, Dec., 1977, Nominee Graduate Dean's List, 1977
B.A. in Philos/Hist/Psych, U.C. Riverside, June, 1973, Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, two scholarships

Other schools attended: Courses:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, '93: German, Philosophy
Goethe Institute, Prien, Frankfurt, Germ, '85, '96: German
U.C. San Diego, 1985: Philosophy, German
The Sorbonne, Univ. of Paris, Summer, 1983: French
C.S.U. Northridge Graduate School, 1980-81: Psychology
University of Oriental Studies, 1978-79: Asian Philosophy
Nietzsche Hist. of Greek Philos Habermas
Phenomenology/Hermeneutics Hist. Modern Philos Existentialism
Kant and 19th Century Asian/Buddhist Philosophy Philosophy of Science
InterdisciplinaryHumanities World Religions Wittgenstein
Philosophy and Literature Philosophy of Religion Davidson
Contemporary Philosophy Metaphysics/Epistemology Quine
Philosophy of Martial Arts Ethics/Business Ethics Augustine
Gadamer Heidegger  



Logic, Truth, and Reasoning: A Textbook in Critical Thinking, PCAF. Publications, 1997, revised 2008.
Nietzsche, Transformation, and Postmodernity, UMI, 1992.


“Nietzsche, Emancipation, & Truth” in New Nietzsche Studies, (SUNY),Winter,1997, pp. 85-109.
"The Problem of Reflexivity in Habermasian Universalism," Auslegung, V. 19, #1, Winter, 1993, pp 1-20.
"Mystical Experience, Language, & Ontological Claims,"Journal of L.A. Community Colleges, 1983.
"Martial Arts & Meditative Disciplines,"(retitled "Achieving the Artless Art"), Black Belt Magazine,June 1979


Alexander Nehamas’s The Art of Living, for New Nietzsche Studies, Spring, 2000.
Craig Hulet Human, All Too Human, Hulet, outside back cover, Fall, 1999.


Selected for Liberty Fund Grant, 1998.
Selected for Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (by top 5% of America’s students), 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004.
National Endowment for the Humanities Grant/Summer Institute: “Modernity and Its Discontents,” 1995


Radio Show “Impact” (Frank Sontag KLOS 95.5 Los Angeles) June 1999: “On Truth in Science, Religion, & Philosophy”
“Education of the Spirit” & “The Sacred and the True” University of Pedagogy, Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug 2000.
“The Eros of Wisdom, Bildung, and Philosophical Counseling” 7th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: Copenhagen, Denmark, August 4, 2004
“Phenomenological Seeing, Hermeneutical Awareness” First Int’l Sophia Retreat, Chipiona, Spain, June, 2005


Santa Monica College, Philosophy 2006-10
LA Pierce College, Prof of Philos/Humanities/PE 1983-04&09
Cal. State Univ,Northridge,Philos.Dept. 1988-99&09
LA Mission College, Prof.Philos/Humanities/PE 1979-83
Moorpark & Ventura Colleges, Philos/PE 1978-82
Pomona College, Physical Ed. Dept. 1975-82


Nietzsche Jesus/New Testament Asian Philosophy History of Western Culture
Augustine Muhammad & Islam History of Greek Philos Introduction to Ethics
Heidegger Intro to Philosophy History of Modern Philos Biomedical Ethics
Hermeneutics Critical Thinking 20th Century Art & Culture Business Ethics
Contemporary Philos Philos & Literature Symbolic Logic Jazz Guitar
Buddhism World Religions Introduction to Humanities Martial arts/Phys Ed.


UC Riverside College of Humanities Advisory Council 2008-10,
Director, Pacific Cultural Arts Foundation, 2006-08,
Chief Instructor, US Karate League 69-04


Pierce College Curriculum Committee, 1996-98
Faculty Senator, Pierce College, 1993
Sponsor Pierce College Philos Club, 1988-90, 94, 96
Sponsor Pierce College Martial Arts Club, 1984-91
Faculty Senator, Mission College, 1982-83
LACCD Educational Policies Advisory Committee, 1981-83
Academic Rank Committee, Mission College, 1983
Student Grievance Committee, Mission College, 1983


Director, Los Angeles Area Nietzsche Society, 94-97
Member, American Philosophical Association
Member, North American Nietzsche Society
Univ. British Columbia Philos. Counseling Conf., 1994
Co-sponsor LACCD Critical Thinking Conf., 1987
Sonoma State Univ. Critical Thinking Conf., 1984
Author Hum Curricula passed Cal CC Faculty Senate, 1983
Co-sponsor, L.A. Comm. Col Critical Thinking Conf., 1983

Jürgen Habermas Image Donald Davidson Image Aristotle Image Epictetus Image Confucius Image Lao Tzu Image Richard Rorty Image Willard Van Orman Quine Image David Hume Image Emmanuel Kant Image G.W.F. Hegel Image Friedrich Nietzsche Image

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